Lauttakylän lukio
Lauttakylän lukio on monipuolinen hyvä yleislukio, joka tarjoaa laajan kurssivalikoiman kaikissa oppiaineissa. Takaamme näin hyvän menestyksen niin ylioppilaskirjoituksissa kuin jatko-opinnoissakin.
Laajan luonnontiede- ja kielivalikoiman ohella panostamme voimakkaasti kansainväliseen toimintaan. Kansainvälisyyskurssin ohella olemme tällä hetkellä mukana kahdessa Erasmus+-hankkeessa. Yrittäjyysopintojen pitkää perinnettä jatkaa vuosittain toteutettava Nuori Yrittäjyys –kurssi.
Lauttakylä Upper Secondary School is a versatile and reputable upper secondary offering a vast selection of courses in all the subjects. Thus, we guarantee a student's success both in the matriculation examination and in further studies. Good results in the matriculation examination will guarantee you a surefire entry in universities or universities of applied sciences.
Alongside the extensive selection of natural sciences and languages, we aim to focus on international activities. Currently, we are participating in two Erasmus+ projects and one Nordplus undertaking.
Besides participating in projects, a special course, "Being International", and a course introducing international cuisines are both part of our international studies. "International Cuisines" teaches you to prepare food from all over the world.
The annual course on "Young Entrepreneurship" continues our long tradition of entrepreneurial studies. Within entrepreneurship, we also offer you an on-line study unit in business.
Known for its team spirit, Lauttakylä Upper Secondary School is a unique community in which you are taken care by the school physician, the school psychologist and the school nurse.
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